Friday, May 31, 2013

Boys Say The Sweetest Things

So Noah had his first ever JK assembly! He was so excited! His class practiced for well over a month!  They were doing 2 numbers in the assembly.  The first was a "Sing & Sign" song, and the second was a Square Dance.  

 I was so proud of him!  But I noticed during the Sing & Sign he didn't really participate much and he just stared at me with the "Deer in the Headlights" look... Afterwards, when he came to sit with me, I asked him how come he didn't sing & sign? And he told me... (are you ready for this?) "Because I love you so much mom that I just wanted to look at you instead"
It was all I could do not to shed a little tear.

Then tonight when I was tucking Liam into bed, and giving him a snuggle, I told him how much I loved him and how proud I was that he was done with diapers and using the potty.  Liam wrapped his arms around my neck and whispered "Momma, I am proud of you for using the toilet"

Seriously, boys say the cutest things!


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